The human foot is engineered in a manner that allows for the efficient performance of a range of physical tasks in a diverse selection of terrain.

There is a biomechanical integration between the way the foot functions as well as the lower extremity, which means that in order for a foot to function normally, the lower limb must function normally and vice versa.

The foot is constantly up against forces that impact it which stem from its contact with the surface of the floor.

This means that it has to work with the rest of the musculoskeletal system in order to reduce the amount of stress on the rest of the foot and leg.

The foot must function in sync with the rest of the body to support its weight in order to stand, walk, run or play sports.

If the foot does not function as it should, these activities will become less efficient.

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Common symptoms stemming from faulty or incorrect foot function include bunions, achilles tendinitis, foot pain, ankle pain, hip pain, knee pain, knee stiffness, low back pain, dysfunction in posture and others.

Much of the time, a foot will not show direct symptoms like pain, because the various bones and joints will compensate for a disfunction in one area of it.

That being said, larger joints such as the ankle, knee or hip would not be able to compensate as easier, thus expressing symptoms more readily.

For these reasons, periodic foot assessment and biomechanical evaluations as just as important as other routine assessments.

Physiotherapists can help evaluate the way your body functions and advise you on specific exercises, routines and modes of treatments based on your need.